At the beginning of the show "Cops" (which is my favorite show of all time, second being "Three's Company"), this creepy moviefone voice says "Viewer Discretion is Advised." Please use your viewer discretion while reading this blog. Understand that as blogs go, this is one interpretation not the interpretation. I have raw and very painful experiences that are carefully interpreted here, but I do not expect everyone to see them as I do and I certainly do not intend to hurt anyone or cause division with my opinions. This is very subjective; as goes the lense of an individual. Capiche?
Onto the blog!
I think that when the smoke clears- when the goals, the dreams, the fears, and the memories vanish away- we will only stand with one question (THE question)… am I loved?
Sunday staged emotions, activity-driven youth groups, adorable kid programs, and song lyrics that bastardize the pain of human life.
At the same time, we fervently involve ourselves in ego-laced theological debates; that which I refer to as Holy Roller dog fights. Michael Vick, watch out!
** Now before I go any further, I would like to make a "however" statement. HOWEVER...
I am also a big fan of the church. In fact, I'm part of it. Like any relationship, the church and I have had amazing times and tough times. It's the essence of trying to be intimate, isn't it? Church isn't all destructive and much of my wounds from the church were brought on by my own lack of having boundaries. You will understand by the bottom of the email. Read on...
God uses every aspect of our life (family, friends, spouses, desires, failures, dreams, jobs, community, churches, etc.) as an avenue to tell us that he loves us completely. It's never about the "avenue" as much as it is about that truth he gives to anchor the soul. Although this blog focused only on my painful experiences with the church (that some of you can certainly relate to), any avenue can be drenched in pain. Thus is the result of a flawed world with flawed people. The point of this blog is to encourage you to journey to that pain; to tend to it. There's a lot of redemption there and as you will see in the next paragraph, much much more.