Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Questions Out of Conflict

As the shape of the church re-invents itself in my thoughts, more revelations disturb me enough to discern what aspects of the church should be persevered and which ones need to fade into oblivion. This is an ocean of conflict for those who are in the same place as I am. No longer are we swimming against the tide of a lost culture… we are swimming against the tide of a misguided church.

Now, before you go any further, I want you to understand that this monologue is at its core, commentary for the journey within me and maybe within you. These thoughts represent the thoughts of those who swim in the ocean of conflict. Understand that harsh revelations, if guided right, lead to beautiful solutions. Sometimes the soil just needs to be unearthed, tended to, kneaded, and prepared for new creations. Now, for the unearthing process…

The problem is that a majority of the churches today are still attempting to walk in the footprints of the past, rather than making footprints of their own. Many will refuse to let go of old ways- methods that are outdated and ineffective in our present time- in order to figure out new ways to share the enormity of complete love, that love that has been invented and transcended by the pursuing and very present God. See, many Christians- those who make up the church- have not yet stood in the vulnerable impact of the crashing tides, where the waves of God’s sovereignty collide with the waves of culture’s brokenness. I would say that a majority of Christian generations guess as to how God is moving in culture and in turn, repeat old patterns as to what best will bridge the character of God and the beautiful hunger of humanity. Funny enough, old patterns tell us that there must be a “bridge” to fill in the gap between God and culture, yet the ignorance of the church has misunderstood the truth that there is no gap in the first place. God is moving through culture and a bridge is just an interruption to the movement. Our job is to figure out how to participate in it.

So what does participating in God’s movement mean? What does it look like to be a humble usher (a.k.a. “servant”) of what the Spirit is doing in us and around us? I don’t have answers, for the answers come in the processing, encountering, and tiring of the journey ahead.

But what I do know is that we need to take an honest look at our motives through the lens of uncensored, unashamed, uncanny, unchristianized observation. We need to engage our culture in whatever way that looks like for each of us, finding ourselves naked and vulnerable in the chaos of searching hearts and broken lives. Somehow, we need to explore the questions before we give the solutions and boldly face the solutions while we ask more questions. The details are in the journey.


Ricky said...

Could you elaborate on...."the bridge is an interruption to the movement"? Your writing is compelling, full of Truth and gives me much to ponder. But I'm not sure I understand this imagery. (I'll watch for the next blog!)

Anonymous said...

Your words are healing. Your new name will be "the wounded healer".