Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Many Hear It and Many Don't

There's a melody that dances through the silence of life. Many hear it and many don't.

It's like a river with rapids, shifting and changing, waltzing past rocks and high-fiving the shores. Many hear it and many don't.

People hear it in different tones and keys, different tempos and pitches. It seems to be a symphony at times and at other times, it's a slight hum. Many hear it and many don't.

It has a divinity to it that seems to be composed by something or someone larger than man or woman. Many hear it and many don't.

It's too brilliant and too perfect to come from nothing and too endless to trace its steps. Many hear it and many don't.

It seems to have a purpose, yet it is only by speculation from humankind as to what the purpose is. Maybe it is just supposed to be. Many hear it and many don't.

The world is moved by this melody when one brave soul listens to it and translates it to those around them through their instrument of choice. Many hear it and many don't.

If we sit down for one moment in the open grassy field, let the internal and external noise pass by, that brilliant melody will grab you and change you forever.

Many hear it and many don't.


kelly said...

Love it. You should write music to these words if you haven't already.

Unknown said...

Excellent. Much of your writing has the element of poetry.....but I really love this. I agree with Kelly.

Rob Gregerson said...

Thanks, you two. I actually thought about taking this and using it as a spoken word piece during one of our improvised songs on Friday evening.

Teen Bean said...

spoken word!?!? steve would be so jealous if that happened and i got to see it! well written... i could totally support this becoming a written word piece.